The history of films is the history of remakes. Why they keep making the same films over and over? The answer may be put simply: they believe they can make better ones!
Often times, however, it fails, as is the case with Vanilla Sky, a remake of a Spanish film Abres los Ojos. Although the former was a lot more commercially successful than the latter, we notice that the latter is way better in many ways. The dark, cynical mood in the latter is totally gone in the former and the film ends up being a simple sci-fi flavored melo drama.
There is also some annoying difference in a profession of the role played by Penelope Cruz. She is a mime artist in the original but an 'exotic' dancer in the remake. And finally the great casts in the original are all gone in the remake, including the beautiful Eduardo Noriega!
3 commentaires:
Les remakes sont généralement du gachis de pellicule. De plus, nombre d'entre eux sont des insultes aux films originaux. Je ne vous parlerai pas des immondices que sont 2 remakes des hitchcockiens "Psycho" et "Dial M For Murder".
Vanilla Sky est un remake inutile et vain. N'étant déjà pas fan de l'original, ça a été un calvaire pour moi de le voir sur grand écran.
En parlant de remakes, voilà un petit dossier paru sur DVDRama:
Pour continuer dans le vol masquer par un soi-disant "point de vue différent", il y a les director's cut. Cela vient à prendre les fans ou les spectateurs pour des idiots! Et souvent, le plaisir de voir de nouvelles images de nos films d'enfance et vite gaché.
Ex. "E.T.", "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly", and so on.
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