mercredi 2 mai 2007

Andy Warhol a dit..

"Of course what I think is boring must not be the same as what other people think is, since I could never stand to watch all the most popular action shows on TV, because they're essentially the same plots and the same shots and the same cuts over and over again. Apparently, most people love watching the same basic thing, as long as the details are different. But I'm just the opposite: if I'm going to sit and watch the same thing I saw the night before, I don't want it to be essentially the same - I want it to be exactly the same. Because the more you look at the same exact thing, the more the meaning goes away, and the better and emptier you feel."

Je crois qu'il parle de son art..

2 commentaires:

Diesskay a dit…

Je vois plus cela comme une critique (encore très actuelle) des séries TV et même de la télévision en général.

Suspicious Character a dit…

Les deux arguments sont tout autant valables, il me semble. Il critique directement la télévision et ceux qui la regardent. Mais le second degré et l'autocritique que Warhol possédait peut aussi faire penser à une critique de son travail.