Voici quelques examples.. combiens d'eux connaissez vous déjà?
french toast
french letter
french cruller
french kiss
french tickler
french fry
french bum
french bulldog
french fuck
french vanilla
french roast
french nail
french maid
french cleaner
french lop
french country style
french parlor
french collar
french paper
french press
french horn
3 commentaires:
There are so many words with "French"...a word "French" makes everything sound kinky.
Actually not only kinky. What amuses me is that adjective 'french' can mean a whole lot of things from high to very low culture. My favorite is 'french bum' ^^
French persons are totally kinky. So maybe that's the reason why US people love this word. Isn't French fries sound hot?? lol
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